COURSES : NS 121t > Study Questions: Chapter 1
NS121t Human Biology: Selected Topics in Medicine
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Study Questions: Chapter 1

1. What is the fundamentl unit of life?

2. What is the function of insulin?

3. Briefly explain the important concept of homeostasis.

4. You teach dancing and have recently had the opportunity to teach a number of experienced skydivers several dance styles. You noted that the skydivers learned the dancing moves very quickly and had good body awareness and balance. You've read about ovservations, hypotheses, and tests. State a possible hypothesis that might explain your observations, and describe a method by which you could test this.

5. What do you understand "sampling error" to mean? Give an example to ilustrate what you mean.

6. Many texts describe science as objective and claim that subjective answers are only important outside of the scientific realm. Can you think of a way in which science can be subjective?

7. Ask us one question about information in this chapter that you'd like to understand better.