*(Hampshire College Undergraduate Author)
2023-Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Moheeb Ahmed, Bernardo Arriaza, Environmental arsenic exposure by ancient Andeans: Measurement of As in mummy hair using LA-ICP-MS. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48, 103883. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.103883
2022- Bernardo Arriaza, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Jet Starkings*, Juan Pablo Ogalde, Use of LA-ICP-MS to evaluate mercury exposure or diagenesis in Inca and non-Inca mummies from northern Chile.(2022) Archaeol Anthropol Sci 14, 76. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01547-w
2022-Daniel Fernandes Andrade, Jeyne Pricylla Castro, José Augusto Garcia, Raquel Cardoso Machado, Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-Filho, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, (2022) Analytical and reclamation technologies for identification and recycling of precious materials from waste computer and mobile phones, Chemosphere, Volume 286 (2). 2022,131739 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131739
2021-Daniel F. Andrade, Eduardo de Almeida, Hudson W. Pereira de Carvalho, Edenir R. Pereira-Filho, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Chemical inspection and elemental analysis of electronic waste using data fusion - Application of complementary spectroanalytical techniques, Talanta, 225, 2021, 122025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2020.122025
2021-Emma Zyskowski,* Fengchang Wu, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Investigation of pollution history in XKS mining area in China using dendrochronology and LA-ICP-MS, Environmental Pollution, 269, 2021, 116107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116107.
2020-Daniel Fernandes Andrade, Edenir Rodrigues Pereira-Filho & Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena (2020) Current trends in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: a tutorial review, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1080/05704928.2020.1739063
2020-Bernardo Arriaza, David Blumenstiel*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Vivien G. Standen, Arnoldo Vizcarra, Five thousand years of bellyaches: Exploring boron concentration in ancient populations of the Atacama Desert. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2020, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24155
2020-David Blumenstiel*, Madison McDonald*, Bernardo Arriaza, and Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Exposure to geogenic lithium in ancient Andeans: Unraveling lithium in mummy hair using LA-ICP-MS, Journal of Archaeological Science, 113, January 2020, 105062, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2019.105062.
2019-Shelby Gaiss*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, David Alexander*, and Fengchang Wu, "Tissue level distribution of toxic and essential elements during the germination stage of corn seeds (Zea mays, L.) using LA-ICP-MS" Environmental Pollution, 252, (2019), 657-665 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.05.129.
2019-Fanhao Song, Fengchang Wu, Weiying Feng, Shasha Liu, Jia He, Tingting Li, Jin Zhang, Aiming Wu, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Yingchen Bai. Depth-dependent variations of dissolved organic matter composition and humification in a plateau lake using fluorescence spectroscopy, Chemosphere, 225 (2019) 507-516. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.03.089
2018-Bernardo Arriaza, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Vivien Standen, Jorge Yáñez, John Van Hoesen, Leonardo Figueroa, Living in poisoning environments: Invisible risks and human adaptation, Evol. Anthropol. 27 (2018) 188–196. https://doi.org/10.1002/evan.21720
2017-David Alexander*, Ryan Ellerby*, Avery Hernandez*, Fengchang Wu, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Investigation of simultaneous adsorption properties of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn by pristine rice husks using ICP-AES and LA-ICP-MS analysis, Microchemical Journal (2017):135 129–139.
2017-Ángela Álvarez, Jorge Yáñez, David Contreras, Renato Saavedra, Pedro Sáez, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Propellant’s differentiation using FTIR-photoacoustic detection for forensic studies of improvised explosive devices, Forensic Science International, (2017) 280: 169–175.
2016 - Jorge Yáñez, Claudio Sandoval, Héctor D. Mansilla & Dulasiri, Amarasiriwardena, New approach for understanding the fundamental chemistry of the oxidative sample digestion in spectrochemical analysis, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, (2016),51,10: 791-798.
2016-Investigation of tissue level distribution of functional groups and associated trace metals in rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.) using FTIR and LA-ICP-MS, Priyanka Basnet*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Fengchang Wu , Zhiyou Fu ,Tao Zhang, Microchemical Journal, (2016),127:152–159.
2016-New subcritical fluid nebulizer (ScFN) for improving the determination of inorganic tin in gunshot residues by flame furnace-atomic absorption spectrometry, Franco Cid , Pia Kochifas , Héctor D. Mansilla , Paola Santander, Jorge Yáñez, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Microchemical Journal , (2016)125: 29–33.
2015-Urinary arsenic speciation profile in ethnic group of the Atacama desert (Chile) exposed to variable arsenic levels in drinking water, Jorge Yáñez, Héctor D. Mansilla, I. Paola Santander, Vladimir Fierro, Lorena Cornejo, Ramón M. Barnes & Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng, (2015), 50, (1):1-8.
2015-Photocatalytic degradation of thimerosal in human vaccine's residues and mercury speciation of degradation by-products, Orlando Yepsen, David Contreras , Paola Santander, Jorge Yáñez ,Héctor D. Mansilla, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Microchemical Journal,(2015)121: 41–47.
2015-Biodegradation of Tributyltin (TBT) by Extremophile Bacteria from Atacama Desert and Speciation of Tin By-products, Jorge Yáñez, Paula Riffo, Paola Santander, Héctor D. Mansilla, Marı´a Ange´lica Mondaca, Vı´ctor Campos, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 95:126–130.
2014-Elemental bioimaging of tissue level trace metal distributions in rice seeds (Oryza sativa L.) from a mining area in China, Priyanka Basnet* , Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Fengchang Wu , Zhiyou Fu ,Tao Zhang, Environmental Pollution, (2014), 195:148-156.
2014- Antimony adsorption by zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI):Ion chromatography–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (IC–ICP-MS) study, Pema Dorjee*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Microchemical Journal, (2014), 116: 15–23.
2013- Investigation of Gold Nano Particles Uptake and their Tissue Level Distribution in Rice Plants by Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled-Mass Spectrometry, Jeremy Koelmel*, Thomas Leland*, Huanhua Wang, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, and Baoshan Xing, Environmental Pollution, (2013),174: 222-228.
2013-Bioimaging of trace metals in ancient Chilean mummies and contemporary Egyptian teeth by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), Jana Farell*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Alan H. Goodman, Bernardo Arriaza, Microchemical Journal, (2013), 106:340–346.
2012-Imaging of Metal Bioaccumulation in Hay-scented Fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula) Rhizomes Growing on Contaminated Soils by Laser Ablation ICP-MS”, Jeremy Koelmel* and Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena. Environmental Pollution, (2012), 168:62-70.
2011- Biomonitoring of lead in Antarctic lichens using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Marcelo B. B. Guerra, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Carlos E. G. R. Schaefer, Catarinie D. Pereira, Adriano A. Spielmann, Joaquim A. Nóbrega and Edenir R. Pereira-Filho, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., (2011), 26: 2238-2246.
2011- Exploring lead exposure in ancient Chilean mummies using a single strand of hair by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), Luke Bartkus*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Bernardo Arriaza, David Bellis, Jorge Yañez, Microchemical Journal. 98 (2011) 267–274.
2011 – Antimony: Emerging toxic contaminant in the environment, Special Issue Preface - Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Fengchang Wu, Guest Editors: D. Amarasiriwardena and F. Wu, Microchemical Journal, 97 (2011) 1–2.
2011 -Investigation of distribution of soil antimony using sequential extraction and antimony complexed to soil-derived humic acids molar mass fractions extracted from various depths in a shooting range soil, Britton Van Vleek*, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Microchemical Journal, 97 (2011) 68–73,
2010-Antimony, arsenic and mercury in the aquatic environment and fish in a large antimony mining area in Hunan, China, Zhiyou Fu, Fengchang Wu, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Changli Mo, Bijun Liu, Jing Zhu, Qiujing Deng, Haiqing Liao, 2010, Science of the Total Environment (2010) 408: 3403–3410.
2010-Exploring chronic arsenic poisoning in pre-Columbian Chilean mummies, Bernardo Arriaza, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Lorena Cornejo, Vivien Standen, Sam Byrne*, Luke Bartkus*, Basel Bandak*, Journal of Archaeological Science (2010) 37:1274–1278.
2010-Were Chinchorros exposed to arsenic? Arsenic determination in Chinchorro mummies' hair by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), Sam Byrne*, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Basel Bandak*, Luke Bartkus*, Jennifer Kane*, Joseph Jones, Jorge Yañez , Bernardo Arriaza , Lorena Cornejo, Microchemical Journal, (2010) 94: 28–35.
2009-Evaluation of Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for the Quantitative Determination of Lead in Different Parts of Archeological Human Teeth, David J. Bellis, Patrick J. Parsons, Joseph Jones, and Dula Amarasiriwardena, Spectroscopy Letters, (2009), 42(8): 491 - 496.
2009-A study of antimony complexed to soil-derived humic acids and inorganic antimony species along a Massachusetts highway, G. Ceriotti* D. Amarasiriwardena, Microchemical Journal, (2009) 91: 85-93.
2009-Dual purpose secondary compounds: phytotoxin of Centaurea diffusa also facilitates nutrient uptake, Nishanth Tharayil, Prasanta Bhowmik , Peter Alpert , Elisabeth Walker, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena and Baoshan Xing , New Phytologist, (2009) 181: 424-434
2008-Optical emission inductively coupled plasma in environmental analysis, M. Tatro and Dula. Amarasiriwardena, Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Environment: Water and Waste, R.A. Meyers (Ed.), John Wiley Sons, (2008)1-12.
2008-Effect of dehydration on dicarboxylic acid coordination at goethite/water interface, Seunghun Kanga, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects (2008) 318:275–284.
2007-Lead in teeth from lead-dosed goats: microdistrubution and relationship to the cumulative lead dose, David J. Bellis, Katherine M. Hetter, Joseph Jones, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Parick J. Parsons., Environmental Research, (2007) 106: 34-41.
2007-Teaching analytical atomic spectroscopy advances in an environmental chemistry class using a project-based laboratory approach: investigation of lead and arsenic distributions in a lead arsenate contaminated apple orchard, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Anal Bioanal Chem (2007) 388:307–314
2007- A rapid approach for assessment of As exposure by elemental analysis of single strand of hair using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, Sarah Steely*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Joseph Jones, Jorge Yañez, Microchemical Journal, (2007) 81, 201-208.
2007-Roadside accumulation of heavy metals in soils in Franklin County, Massachusetts and surrounding towns, Trevor L. Woodard, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Kristen Shrout, Baoshan Xing, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, (2007) 38,1087-1104.
2007- An investigation of inorganic antimony species and antimony associated with soil humic acids molar mass fractions in contaminated soils, Sarah Steely*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Environmental Pollution, (2007), 148, 590-598.
2006 - Distribution of soil arsenic species, lead and arsenic bound to humic acid molar mass fractions in a contaminated apple orchard, Kimberly Newton*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Environmental Pollution, (2006)143, 197-205.
2006 - Calibration of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for quantitative measurements of lead in bone, David Bellis, Katherine M. Hetter, Joseph. Jones, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Patrick Parsons, J. Anal. Atom Spectrom. 21, 948-954.
2006 - Comparison of natural organic acids and synthetic chelates at enhancing phytoextraction of metals from a multi-metal contaminated soil, Cli´stenes W. A. do Nascimento, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Environmental Pollution, 140, 114-123.
2006 - Effect of cover crop management on soil organic matter, Guangwei Ding, Xiaobing Liu, Stephen Herbert, Jeffrey Novak, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Geoderma, 130, 2006, 229–239
2005 - Trace metal speciation investigation of soil humic acids isolated from New England soils: A capillary Electrophoresis–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (CE-ICP-MS) study Anahita Dua*, Dula Amarasiriwardena, John Danku, Baoshan Xing, Ramon M. Barnes, Humic Substances: Molecular Applications in Land and Water Conservation, Eds. E. A. Ghabbour and G. Davies, Taylor and Francis, Inc., New York, p 225-239
2005 - Inductively coupled plasma-mass (ICP-MS) and atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES): Versatile analytical techniques to identify the archived elemental information in human teeth, Pages 201-208 Ellen Webb*, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Socheata Tauch*, Ethan F. Green, Joseph Jones and Alan H. Goodman, Microchemical Journal, 81, 2005, 201-208
2004 - Application
of diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform
spectroscopy (DRIFTS) for the identification of potential
diagenesis and crystallinity changes in teeth, Ethan
F. Greene, Socheata Tauch*, Ellen Webb*, Dula Amarasiriwardena,
Microchemical Journal, 76, 2004, 141-149
- Application Of Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled
Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) To Investigate
Trace Metal Spatial Distributions In Human Tooth Enamel
And Dentine Growth Layers And Pulp, Daniel Kang*,
Dula Amarasiriwardena, and Alan Goodman, A
Paper in Forefront, Analytical and Bio Analytical
Chemistry, 378(6), March, 2004, 1608-1615
2003 - Investigation of colloidal properties and trace
metal complexation characteristics of soil-derived
fulvic acids by flow field-flow fractionation-inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (flow FFF-ICP-MS),
Jonathan Bell*, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Atitaya
Siripinyanond, Baoshan Xing, Ramon M. Barnes, Humic
Substances: Nature's Most Versatile Materials,"
Eds. E. A. Ghabbour and G. Davies, Taylor and Francis,
Inc., New York, p 229-242
2003 - Characterization of ten sequentially
extracted humic acids and a human from a soil in western
Massachusetts, Seunghun Kang, Dula Amarasiriwardena,
Peter Veneman, and Boashan Xing, Soil Science,
2003, 168, 12, 880-887
2003 - Tooth rings; dental Enamel
as a Chronological Biomonitor of Elemental Absorption
from pregnancy to Adolescence, Alan. H. Goodman, Alexis
E. Dolphin, Dulasiri D. Amarasiriwardena, Rebecca
Klein*, Jeffrey R. Backstrand, John B Reid, Jr., and
Peter Outride, Journal of Children 's Health,
I, 2003, 203-214
2002 -
Characterization of lead and lead leaching properties
of lead glazed ceramics from the Solis Valley, Mexico,
using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS) and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier
transform spectroscopy (DRIFT), Sara Tunstall*, Dulasiri
Amarasiriwardena, Microchemical Journal, 73, 2002, 335-347
2002 - Flow field-flow fractionation-inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for sediment bound
trace metal characterization, Atitaya. Siripinyanond, Ramon M. Barnes, Dula Amarasiriwardena, J. Anal. At.
Spectrom., 2002, 17, 1055-1064
- Soil Organic Matter Characteristics as Affected
by Tillage Management, Guangwei. Ding, J.M. Novak,
Dula Amarasiriwardena, P.G. Hunt, and Baoshan
Xing, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2002; 66:
2001 - Trace elemental distribution
in soil and compost-derived humic acid molecular fractions
and colloidal organic matter in municipal wastewater
by flow field-flow fractionation-inductively coupled
plasma-mass spectrometry (flow FFF-ICP-MS), Dula
Amarasiriwardena, Atitaya Siripinyanond, and Ramon
M. Barnes, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2001, September,
2001 -
Characterization of Trace Metals Complexed to Humic
Acids Derived From Agricultural Soils, Annelid Composts,
and Sediment by Flow Field Flow Fractionation - Inductively
Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (flow FFF-ICP-MS),
Tom Anderson*, Laura Shifley*, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Baoshan Xing, Atitaya Siripinyanond, and Ramon Barnes, in
Humic Substances: Structures, Models and Functions,
E. H. Ghabbour and G. Davies (Eds.), Royal Society
of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2001 p 165 -177
2001 -
Spectroscopic Evaluation of Humin Changes in Response
to Soil Managements, Guangwei Ding, Jingdong Mao,
Stephen Herbert, Dula Amarasiriwardena,
and Boashan Xing,in Humic Substances: Structures,
Models and Functions, E. H. Ghabbour and G. Davies
(Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK,
2001, p 271 - 279