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WALDHEIMAT James Wald Homepage  
Iron & Gold: Europe in the Era of Upheaval and Ascendancy  

Social Science 217
Tues., Thurs., 2:00-3:20
FPH 101

Jim Wald, 559.5592

contact instructor

Off. Hrs. G-15 FPH (sign-up)
Mon., Thurs. 12:00-2:00
Wed. 12:00-1:00
(and by appointment)

online readings
research center

Research Center
This page will provide you with instructions on research methods as well as links to resources.


ask a librarian: general advice
advice from the instructor:
general research and the particular themes of the course




Any Questions?
Please contact:

Daniel Schnurr
Social Sciences Librarian
phone 5704
email: dschnurr@hampshire.edu

Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) Indices and abstracts of art-related books, conference proceedings and dissertations, exhibition and dealer's catalogs, and articles from more than 2,500 periodicals. Covers European and American art from late antiquity to the present. Updated quarterly and covers 1973 to the present.

Philosopher's Index
A bibliographic database with informative author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy, published in journals and books since 1940. Over 480 journals are covered, from 38 countries. 1940-present.

Ovid databases
The Ovid databases are: AGRICOLA (plants and animals), ATLA Religion Database, Books in Print, ERIC (education), Medline (medicine), MLA Bibliography (language, literature, and film criticism), and PsychINFO (psychology).

Historical Abstracts
Historical coverage of the world from 1450 to the present. Indices to over 2,000 journals published throughout the world. Includes books, chapters from books, and dissertations. You will find no primary material in this index.

ISI Basic Social Sciences Index
The ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) Basic Social Sciences Index covers nearly 185,000 articles from 500 leading worldwide social science journals. Coverage: current year plus the most recent nine years.

Expanded Academic Like Social Science and Humanities Abstracts, expanded academic covers a wide range of sources but does not cover any field with great depth. There are some full-text articles in this database. Also, a good place to go fishing if you're not sure of your direction yet.

FirstSearch databases
A multidatabase search service that includes:
Social Sciences Abstracts: Covers the high-circulation, highly regarded journals in the social sciences. A good place to browse for an overall view but not very "deep" in coverage.
Humanities Abstracts: Covers the high-circulation, highly regarded journals in the humanities and arts. A good place to browse for an overall view but not very "deep" in coverage.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index: Unlike the Basic Social Sciences Index (see above), this index has complete coverage of the humanities and arts.
Art Abstracts: More concentrated on English-language journals than BHA. Includes only journals.
Once you click on FirstSearch, use the pull-down menu to select a database.

JSTOR (Journal Storage)
This is a unique digital archive of over 100 core scholarly journals. The collection covers material from the 1800s up to a "moving wall" of between 1 and 8 years before the current publication date. It covers 15 subjects at present, mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences, including over 100 journals. You will find journals such as Renaissance Quarterly here as well as general history journals.

Project Muse
Full-text of over 110 scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines. Most coverage begins in 1996 and continues through the present. You will find the Journal of Medieval and Modern Studies here as well as other general history journals.

Library catalogs (books, videos, CDs)
Four College libraries ... UMass library ...
Remember: When using the catalog, you are not searching articles from journals.

  Tips from the instructor:  

[content to follow]

For further information on these and other topics, see the general reference and resources page of my website.

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last updated 10 September, 2002

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