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monthly calendar pages
on this site

calendars of various cultures on this day in history (New York Times)
today in history (Library of Congress)
les chroniques du jour (evène]
world holidays (worldwide holiday and festival site) world holidays (holidays on the net) Francophone holidays
Czech holidays Russian holidays German holidays

click on one of the images below to go to the relevant monthly page



other calendars

calendars through the ages
(a general guide to the nature and use of calendars in various cultures and ages)

Chinese French Revolutionary Hebrew Hindu Islamic
(from webexhibits.org) general explanation, date conversion (from webexhibits.org) genl. explanation and calculation of current date
(from Hindunet.org)
genl. explanation (from webexhibits.org)
  history, explanation (& conversion for current dates— Windows only; from Peter Windhorst)  


Islamic calendar for North America (from moonsighting.com)




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last updated 31 December, 2003

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copyright notice ŠJim Wald, Hampshire College contact Jim Wald